Data Analytics

Learn to spend your virtual gold

Thorough and Insightful

DFT IT helps you make discoveries about the data your business has available. We use a variety of techniques to analyze and interpret data, including data mining, business intelligence, and data visualization.

Reporting and dashboards are used to present the data in a way that is easy to understand, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the insights gained.

Data Analytics

Our Methods

Exploratory Data Analysis

DFT IT helps you gain insights from any data mess. We use a variety of techniques to analyze and interpret data, including data mining, business intelligence, and data visualization.

Power BI

DFT IT is versed in Power BI and can help you create interactive reports and dashboards that are easy to understand, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the insights gained.

Web Dashboards

DFT IT can help you create web dashboards that allow you to visualize your data in real-time, making it easy to monitor key performance indicators and make data-driven decisions.


DFT IT can help you leverage AI to gain insights from your data, automate repetitive tasks, and make predictions based on historical data.

Typical Projects

DFT IT is used to working with a wide range of data with the goal of gaining interesting business insights. This includes exploratory data analysis, creating Power BI reports and dashboards, and leveraging AI to automate repetitive tasks and make predictions.

Project based or Hourly?

DFT IT offers both project-based and hourly services. Project-based services are ideal for well-defined projects, while hourly services may be better suited for teams with changing requirements.

Let's get started!

Tell us about your project. We'll be reaching out to you as soon as possible.
