Web and Mobile Applications

Create accessible Applications, usable without Installation

Scalable and Secure

DFT IT develops web and mobile applications that are designed to be both scalable and secure. We use modern technologies and best practices to ensure that your application can grow with your business and that your data is protected from unauthorized access.

Hosting, maintenance, and support services are also available to ensure that your application is always available and up-to-date.

Web and Mobile Applications

Our Expertise

React / React Native / Next.js

Next.js is the preferred frontend library at DFT IT. It is used to create interactive user interfaces and applications that are fast and responsive. This website is built with Next.js.


Angular is another frontend library used at DFT IT. The Team is experienced in creating single-page applications and progressive web apps with Angular.


DFT IT is experienced in building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter. This allows you to reach a wider audience with a single codebase.

Native Mobile

When needed, DFT IT can also develop native mobile applications for iOS and Android. This allows for the best performance and user experience.


TypeScript is the preferred language for web development at DFT IT. It finds its use in both frontend and backend development, ensuring type safety and code quality.


Go, or Golang, is used at DFT IT for developing scalable and high-performance server-side applications. It most commonly finds its use in microservices and cloud-native applications.

Typical Projects

DFT IT is experienced in developing a wide range of web and mobile applications, including e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and custom business applications.

Project based or Hourly?

DFT IT offers both project-based and hourly services. Project-based services are ideal for well-defined projects, while hourly services may be better suited for teams with changing requirements.

Let's get started!

Tell us about your project. We'll be reaching out to you as soon as possible.
